Belgrade pro-government rally

Tens of thousands of supporters of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) took the streets of Belgrade on May 26 in support of President Aleksandar Vučić, as a response to big anti-government protests over two mass shootings that killed 18 people earlier this month. Public sector employees were encouraged to participate, with some fearing job loss if they didn’t.

Belgrade litany

Thousands of people gathered in Belgrade on 25th May, for a Spasovdan litiyá that passed through the central streets. During the litiyá a memorial service was held for the victims of recent mass shootings in Serbia.

For this occasion, a coffin was brought to Belgrade with the remains of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović. He was declared a saint by the Serbian Orthodox Church two decades ago, despite critics pointing out his anti-Semitic and anti-Western views.

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